Monday, October 22, 2012

More relaxed equals more fun with learning

All my school plans for Emma have been tossed in the trash. With the exception of Math and some of her science we are now curriculum free. I began the year with high hopes for the things I purchased, but after just a few weeks realized it was the same as all the other curriculum out there....boring and not what I really wanted. So, out it went and replaced with discussions, library books and writing plus plenty of time to pursue what she wants. We have become relaxed homeschoolers...if that is an actual category.

We are still doing all our subjects but with less scheduling and busy work. Everyday we have Bible, English (grammar/sentence structure/paragraph/poetry/spelling/vocabulary), Math, Science (Astronomy plus Emma's requests), World Geography, Reading, and Art. Everyday we are finished by lunch which leaves the rest of the day to pursue her own goals. Some days it is pure play:dolls, swinging, biking, drawing, but for the most it is exploring science and art, logic and music, questioning and answering, reading and more reading. Very few times I need to step in and motivate her to do something constructive with her free time...usually if I catch her sitting around she will tell me she is thinking and usually it is followed by her carrying out whatever she was thinking about.

I am keeping a notebook with a list of skills covered each day to give me a better feel for what we have done and what still needs to be covered. I find we are covering more each day then what the curriculum would of covered.

With our school day completed early it leaves both Emma and me free to pursue our desires guilt free. My knitting has taken off, Emma has found her love of make believe again. The stress is gone from our day. We even have time for swimming and weekly nature hikes. Best of all the spark Emma had for learning is back.