Thursday, February 5, 2015

Homeschool Rrecord Keeping

I have been homeschooling for over 20 years and have tried many organization methods for keeping records of what we did for the day. All seem great until actual day to day use. More times then not the planners/organizers tend to bog me down and eventually I stop using them all together.

Things I have used in the past:
Teachers grade book
Homeschool Organizer Binder
Homemade organizer page
Teacher's Ultimate Planner
Online Homeschool Planner
CD with planning pages you print off
Daily schedules printed out in cute colors
Daily calendar/planner

The notebook, so far, has been what I like the best. It's easy to use, no wasted pre-printed pages I do not need, and cheap. I started using the notebook a few years ago. Emma would finish a school day in a few hours and I was worried we were not covering a complete days amount of school. To visually see what we were getting done I started writing down the subjects we worked on. And yes, she was doing a full day plus more, just in a very efficient amount of time. After a few weeks of doing this it hit me...this could be my record keeping/organizer/planner. After tweaking it I came up with what actually works for me. I have been using this method for 3 yrs now and will probably continue till Emma has graduated.

How I Use the Notebook:
*I buy a 80 page notebook. Iowa requires 145 school days. I want 180, but settle for 160. The 80 page will give me exactly that many days of daily records if I write on both sides of the page.
Each side of  the page is for one day of school.
*I label the page with the school day number. I use to write the date but then I would need to count the pages to see how many school days we did. I do write the start date on Day 1 and every 30-40 days, plus the date we start back after winter break and the last day of school.
*Then I write the subject and a very brief note on what we are doing.The key is brief notes, do not get bogged down with explaining what you did for the day. For example I write Latin:DVD lesson 9, Reader: Egypt Game Ch 6, or Art: tints. I make it as brief as I can.
typical days schedule page

*Since this only takes up half a page I can add notes to the bottom half. Ex. Work on 8x tables, get marshmallows for science exp, or Discovery day at HSAP working on archaeology. I have used this space for teaching math, or showing her handwriting help. I write words she keeps misspelling. I will write notes on problems I am having with teaching a skill or on things that are not working. Endless possibilities.
Schedule page with notes added

*Draw a vertical line (or two) down the inside front and back cover. Write subject headings you need to keep track of what was covered during the year. Math, Grammar/writing, science, history, and books read are the subjects I need to keep track of. Then as we cover a new topic or skill in a subject I write that down. Again make it brief. Under history my list might be WWII spies, Assyrians, Mummies.Then at the end of the year when you have to fill out official papers for the state, you know exactly what you covered for each subject.
Inside front cover: Skills covered in math, English, and History
Inside back cover: Skills covered in Science and books read for school

*I keep the notebook with our days school work and write in it just before doing the subject or just after. I do not wait to the end of day to record the days lessons(I will forget something), or write in it in the early mornings or the week end before(get too busy/tired and it doesn't get done). I found if I used it as a planner I always had to cross of something for the day or days. For us, homeschool gets interrupted by life more times then not. I might plan a full day or week but then someone gets sick, or hubby needs me to pick him up from work early, stay on one subject longer then planned or rabbit trails take place or the day is just too pretty to stay inside and do school.

At the end of the year I place the notebook in the file with all her papers and things I am keeping from the school year.

This might not be a neat organizer where all of life is located. I tried those and always ended up leaving it half undone because it was too much micro-managing for me. A planner/organizer that is not used is not helping and is just a waste of money. This one works for me. Simple and easy. Gets the job done....which is the main goal of record keeping.