Friday, February 15, 2013

My 2013-2014 curriculum picks

After months of looking and figuring and relooking, making notes, listing pros and cons, budgeting and doing it over and over, I have finally finalized out 2013-2014 curriculum picks for Emma and Daniel's 3rd and 11th grade year.
For Daniel:
History: Sonlight Core 100 for American History and Mystery of History Volume 3 to continue World Study (this is being continued because Daniel asked to continue it, he loves MOH)
Science: Ace Paces Chemistry plus other books (see my blog post discussing Daniel's Science) for half a year and Signs and Seasons for Astronomy for the other half (this is the plan unles Daniel decided on another science topic for the 2nd half)
Math: Teaching Textbooks Geometry
English: Sonlight core 100 literature and writing assignments plus some extra books from the readers in Core 200, Vocabulary from Classical Roots book C and D, and Wordly Wise

Daniel has finished all his electives and his 2 years of Latin so he has just 4 subjects this year. He will continue Fencing and the mixture of activities the Home School Assist Program offers for Teens.

For Emma:
History: Sonlight Core D, plus Time Traveler CDs, and American Girl Doll Books
Science: Sonlight Science D and Apologia's Flying Creatures
Math: This is still up in the air. Either BJU Math 4 or just play math for the year since she is ahead a year. She would create a math journal and also use grade 3 week essentials
Language Arts: Sonlight LA that comes with core D, the readers from core D plus finish the Mensa Reading List for K-3 and start the Mensa Reading List for 4-6. We will continue to follow the spelling as outlined by Ruth Beechick's You Can Teach Your Child (see the blog post I made on how we are doing this)
Art: Home Art Studio grade 2 and 3, (see past blog post on this)

I am not adding in any specific physical activities because she is very active still. Nature Hikes will continue each week as will her nature journal.

All my carts are full for the companies I will be buying from and am eager to hit the pay buttons. Neat thing, with Sonlight you can pick an interest free time payment plan that is 4 payments spread over 9 months. This makes it nice so a big chunk of money is not gone from our accounts. Once I get all my materials I will have to practice patience. In the past, I tend to drop what we are doing because the new stuff looks so good and I cannot contain myself or the kids....but I will be good this year. I promise. I should be able to hold off till July....I think.

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