Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Developing Me

Long ago I was tired and felt like I had no time for me. None. Even a trip to the bathroom had little ones trailing behind. This was when I had 3 little boys under the age of 7. I can remember my husband trying to console me one especially tiring day...he said, "One day you will have more time then you know what to do with" the time I just wanted to glare at him because how were those words going to help me when one had little sleep and hungry mouths to feed. I did get a taste of this promise, just a taste, right before Emma was conceived. The boys were older and 2 were teens. Then a new baby and once again any time for me was gone. Fast forward to present day. 2 of my 4 have flown the nest, and the 2 left are old enough to not need mom very much. With the exception of school and housewife duties, I am left to pursue my interests.

During this re-found freedom I have learned to knit and started this blog. As more and more time finds it's way at my feet I am finding my interests are branching out. Because I want to make a serious study of nature I decided to learn to draw and/or paint with watercolors. Gardening is another thing I want to pursue. Some I can start now and some I will have to wait a few more years, but I am preparing for that day. The day I retire from being a stay at home mom and become just a house where the day is all mine from the time hubby leaves the house till I make dinner. A good 6-7 hours free to pursue
nature hiking
Bible study
working on a book
learning to play a musical instrument
video games (yes, I play these)
math studies
to name just a few. 

I have never had time for myself, not like this. As a child I had school, then college, work, and children. When hubby retires I want to work on our relationship. Getting to know each other once again. Doing things with him, just him and me. Sure there will be plenty of time to pursue my hobbies but it will be different...not in a good or bad sense, just different. But those years of just me, to develop just my will be my personal Renaissance, my time of enlightenment.

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