Monday, April 29, 2013

When son abandons a project I win yarn!

Sometime around September my son tried his hand at knitting. This was not a random thing but the homeschool teen group decided to start a Sew-cial group that got together and learned some sort of hand craft. Knitting was what they decided on. Dan is one of those who will try pretty much anything and figured why not give knitting a try. So we went and bought him 2 balls of yarn and a pair of needles.
It is hard to see the colors in the picture but they are beautiful, greys, browns, blues and they mix giving a striped effect.

Daniel tried to make a scarf but he was having difficulties and said it was not his "thing". More pain then gain, but he stuck with it for a while. I on the other hand kept eyeing the yarn. I can see a nice pair of mittens or a cute hat. Every time I went in his room I saw the yarn and no progress. I did sent out hints that IF he decided to quit it was okay and I would be happy to take the yarn. There is no true failure if you try, son.

This past week Daniel decided it was time to clean his room. it was way past time, in my opinion. I will hear lots of shuffling up stairs but when ever I peek in the mess looks the same. He claims he has made head way but it must be at the microscopic level because I am just not seeing it.

Sunday he came to me with the yarn bag and asked if I wanted it. How fast can someone say YES!? No sooner then he gave it to me he had rules placed on the yarn, he wanted a scarf. UGH!  I hate making scarves. Then he did the unspeakable...he retracted his offer and I saw him and the yarn disappearing into his room. Nooooooo! I do fast thinking and tell him I would make a cowl instead. Pretty much the same thing as a scarf only more fun to knit. he thinks on it and after yessing and noing he finally says "here". I got the yarn but best of all no strings. It is mine free and clear!!!

No sooner then I had it I knit a cute gauge square. Sadly no matter how loose I try to knit I never can knit at the gauge they say. This yarn says size 5 or 6 needle will yield a 17x20 4 inch square. My size 8 needle yielded a 3.5 inch square. Sigh. I will have to work on that.

The square looked good and I love the way the yarn began to change color. However, the yarn is stiff and kind of rough. Itchy. How am I going to make a garment if it is itchy? I decided to try some wash I bought. After it soaked the recommended 15 mins and dried I now have a soft square. Not baby soft but it will due for a serviceable hat or mittens. I just need to finish the top I am making for Emma before I am allowed to start a new project...a rule I put into place because I knew I would be one to start tons of projects without finishing any. A goal I have is to knit faster so I can knit more things.

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