Saturday, May 11, 2013

We become explorers

Our study of explorers continued this week with the addition of Pounce de Leon, Balboa, Pizarro, Magellan, Varrazano, and Cortez which lead us on our own exploration. We went in search of the legendary letterbox of Hickory Hill. With information gathered from Atlas Quest we were able to obtain the treasure map. I had Emma pack a notepad, stamp (of a flower), ink pad, and a compass and then we were off.

*Note: In case you are unfamiliar with the term letterbox I will briefly explain. All over the country people have placed water tight boxes in cities, buildings, and nature trails. These boxes usually contain a rubber stamp and a note pad. They place the box in a hidden spot and post directions on a site for letterboxing, The directions can be straight forward or in riddles. When you find a letterbox, you use their stamp to stamp your notepad and your stamp to stamp theirs. Then return the box so others can find it. Another form of this is geocaching which you use a GPS to find the treasure.

Once at the park...we had to return home first because I forgot my camera....I had Emma practice her compass reading skills to tell us the direction we were heading in. Every few turns in the trail she took a new reading and I recorded it.
We followed the directions across an open prairie where the wild flowers were starting to come up. I took pictures and Em and I are going to make a small booklet of all the wild flowers we find and name then too. I might have her write the Latin name since we are learning about that in science.
We crossed the prairie land and entered back into the wooded area where we were told to cross a wooden bridge with wooden rails....unfortunately this bridge was about a meter away from the path, washed out by recent heavy rains and flooding. We had a choice, turn back or try thr bridge (it was still intact but just moved down stream). We went for it. It was kind of scary crossing but Emma thought it added to the adventure and was glad it got washed out. After we crossed safely, we were to find an old wooden bench overlooking the stream....sit and contemplate where a troll would hide his treasure. Just ahead was a bend in the trail and a iron bridge, where we found the treasure under it.
Emma ventured down the rocky slope to retrieve it not even minding the briar tendrils that kept catching her legs. The box was in great shape and we got to work making the stamp exchange.
Emma stamped her note pad and I stamped the directions (to add to my SMASH book).

The stamp was homemade and is of a Hickory Tree.

Emma returned the box to it's location when we finished being more careful this time knowing there were briars down there. She lost her shoe in the process, which almost tumbled down to the stream but got hung up on a root. Back on the trail (with both shoes on) Emma wanted to know if we could hunt for another box soon. I think we have found a new hobby.

A quick note about our school week:
We took a break from SL English so Emma could write in her Sea Log, but Friday I tried to add it back in. I am sorry to say SL English is just not a good fit for us. I have tried it in the past (4x) and each time sent it back. I thought maybe with this child (an excellent writer) and with it being included in the IG I would give it another go. I read the IG for it and I pretty much ask myself "What did it say?" just not written well or presented in a fashion I like. So for this year I will get another English Workbook from Barnes and Nobles for $7 and let her work 2 pages a day. I think she has had enough English to take it light this year. Next year she will work through Wordsmith Apprentice which I think is excellent and I know she will love.

Next week we start using the American Girl books, which Emma has been waiting (not to patiently) for. I am excited too, the little girl in me think these are just so neat to use for school. And thanks to Tonya on the SL forums I ordered Emma the 6' mini doll Kaya instead of buying a Kaya outfit. It saved me about $10 and
Emma will be getting one doll for each era we study. She liked this better because she will have "friends" to play with each other. Another bonus with this idea is they offer mini dolls for the retired big AG dolls, so no hunting on Ebay for a used Felicity outfit.

We finished up our grade 3 BJU math book on Monday and I was not sure if I wanted to start grade 4 BJU math yet. After much back and forth I decided to review during the summer. Emma is not a strong math student so some review will be good for her. I am using the weekly review pages from grade 3 week by week essentials. I used these in the past when we did the year of playing math and they were great. They cover all types of learning, have a game to play each week, mental math, and over all review section. There is even a list of picture books dealing with the math being reviewed.

Gulp..I did say a quick note on the week....well it is what it is.
Next week I hope to start the Artistic Pursuit book, we will see.

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