Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The cozy from hell.

  While waiting on the yarn I ordered for the hats I am going to make, I decided to knit a cute teapot cozy. It is a design by Debbie Bliss and is the first cozy I have found that did not look like it was created by Tim Burton. Why do knit designers feel the need to dress children and teapots in things only seen in a deranged dream? Anyway...this cozy is cute but not cutesy, it s charming and tasteful. It wraps the teapot and fastens with 2 small buttons. Along each side are 3 cables with a little pizazz added. I have done cables before and intermediate patters before so this looked doable. It is a teapot cozy...how hard can it be?
  Two days and mega hours spent and I am only on row 16. I ripped it once back to where the cables began and fixed some problems there. I guess I got too relaxed thinking I had the problem solved until the cables realigned (there is a leg on the cable that juts out then joins back) . Now it looks like a twist tie after its been used.

  I will continue though. The prospect of ripping and repeating just makes me shudder. I figure there are 2 sides to this teapot cozy. This side will be the one facing the wall. Another thought...if I repeat this mistake in all the cables then I have made a creative change to the pattern. Good news is no one in my house knows what a cable is or are observant enough to notice the "design" element on the tea cozy IF they decide to look. To them I covered the teapot with a yarn thing-a-ma-jig in a pretty color. Hubby already questioned why I wanted to spend time doing this and questioned the functionality of it..."isn't tea going to drip in it? Doesn't tea stain?"
  I think I am having a problem concentrating on the pattern. Listening to Harry Potter usually makes knitting fun but I usually do not knit complicated patterns. (Apparently this is a complicated pattern). I did notice when I was not listening to HP the cable was doing great...turned on HP and I started messing up. My brain cannot compartmentalize as well as it use to...listening, reading, doing...too much I guess.
  I could change the patter into a simple cable but then I will be admitting defeat. No way will I do that. I can knit anything as long as I focus. Just a matter of yarn and 2 sticks and when I knit or purl. It is not rocket science. I will conquer and be victorious...just might take a while.

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