Monday, July 9, 2012

Reboot, hopefully.

  I am giving the blogging thing another try. Chances are I will post a few times then get lazy and the blog will die. My goal though is to keep a record of the events in my life as a stay at home mom, By most standards I live a boring life. But I am happy in my sedate lifestyle and take pleasure in the simple children, nature, yarn, books, and of course my husband. God plays a big part of my life but I would not list him under simple things, more like the core of it all. Normally my day is filled with school and house duties but we are on summer break and time is more my own. Too hot to explore the vast hiking trails around here which is a normal weekly activity for us, instead we are stuck inside being lazy. Dan is determined to play a perfect match on Call of Duty. Emma's goal is to read all the story books the library has. And my goal is to knit hats for everyone.
  I am also working on next school years curriculum. I have it all but Daniel's art. Still haven't found the right book or video course. Either it is too babyish or too advanced. Anything written for the high schooler tends to be of the mind they know the basics and anything that covers the basics tends to present it at a pre-school level. I will post what I find when I find it...if I find it.
  One thing I want to make sure with this blog is to keep it balanced. Homemaker, homeschooling mom, being a mom to a teen boy and young girl ,and my hobbies are what I want to write about. I would include being a wife but hubby frowns on being a topic so this part will be minimal although it a part of me and I am sure it will be slipped in here and there.
  I am writing this intro but am thinking... what am I getting myself into? Hopefully not another dead blog.

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